Hello! My name is Sophie. I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease at 6 years old. I have been going to Children's Hospital ever since I was diagnosed, and they have given me the best of care. I have always been very privileged, as I have access to gluten free food, which some children do not.
1 in 6 children diagnosed with Celiac Disease do not have access to safe gluten free food. This is especially hard, as the food that Celiacs can eat must not only be gluten free, but also not be cross-contaminated with traces of gluten. These types of food are very expensive, and many families around Colorado and the world do not have the funds to pay for regular food, much less for safe expensive gluten-free food. Not being able to maintain a 100% gluten-free diet can cause severe health consequences for those kids!
I am turning 13 soon, and my Bat Mitzvah is approaching; part of my preparation is to organize a charity project related to a cause very close to my heart. Immediately I knew what it would be!
My goal is to fundraise enough money to be able to support patients with Celiac disease and other digestive health diagnoses who also have specific food requirements they can't access for financial reasons. I want all families of patients from the Digestive Health Institute at Children's Hospital to be able to obtain safe food for their kids who are diagnosed with Celiac, and other digestive diseases that require food restrictions.
I would appreciate your help so much, and any donations that you can make would help affected kids around Colorado so much!
PS: An incredibly generous anonymous donor already offered to match all donations (until we get to $1,000) that we get for this fundraiser. Whatever amount you can give will be extremely helpful, and it will be doubled!
Thank you,
(Learn more about Celiac disease here: https://celiac.org/about-celiac-disease/what-is-celiac-disease )