Jackson was born in February of 2022 - a month early and delivered via emergency C-section. He weighed just 2lbs 9oz. We had no idea he was going to be that small! Regardless of the way he arrived, we immediately fell in love with our sweet miracle.
For the first month of his life, we were in the neonatal intensive care unit at a different medical center before being transferred to the NICU at Children's Hospital Colorado. Children's Colorado became our home for the next 3.5 months.
At two months old, Jackson was diagnosed with pulmonary vein stenosis (PVS). His Children's Colorado care team conducts monthly echocardiograms to monitor Jackson's heart, and every 3-5 months he receives cardiac catheterization surgery to help clear out the blockages in his pulmonary veins. He’s on daily meds to try and help clear and control the closing of his pulmonary veins, but this will be a life-long battle, and so far, there is no cure.
Jackson was also diagnosed with a rare genetic abnormality which will cause moderate to severe delays in all aspects of his life. Still, Jackson loves to snuggle, roll around, and watch cartoons and sports on TV. He is such a happy guy and such a trooper!
As a family, we want to do what we can to raise awareness and support for research centered on PVS because that research could lead to more treatment options for Jackson, as well as other children and families who are on PVS journeys. Please join us by making a donation - 100% of which will go to support PVS research being done by Dr. Zablah (Jackson's surgeon!).
With love,
Jackson, Michaela & Kory