Join us in March and April of 2024 and help make a difference in pelvic floor dysfunction patient care!
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1 in 7 school aged children will experience embarrassment and discomfort from pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD). Kids can suffer physical symptoms like bowel and bladder control, but they also must deal with the negative impact on their mental health as they begin their treatment journey. For many of these patients, a pediatric pelvic health physical therapist is needed, but wait times for therapy can take 4-6 months. If left untreated, symptoms may not resolve or even continue into adulthood.
Children need something to help them navigate this diagnosis and path to care now, and Children’s Colorado has a solution.
We are committed to helping these patients and families through a new, innovative biofeedback device, developed here by our own doctors of pelvic health and experts in this field. This portable, easy-to-use system features external electrodes and gamification to help patients with pelvic floor dysfunction. By using the biofeedback machine, a child can get the care they need prior to physical therapy – and maybe even strengthen their bodies to the point of not needing therapy or medication!
Our hope is that every family treated at Children’s Colorado will have access to a biofeedback device; however, not every family can afford a $300 device, so we hope you will join us in lessening that burden to families by helping to fund biofeedback devices. With more than 500 patients seen annually, the goal is high, but every dollar raised helps to ensure increased access to the pelvic floor therapies patients need to heal.