Trek for a Dream Logo

Join us for the 2024 Trek for a Dream, to support childhood cancer research!

Why are we supporting childhood cancer research?

Childhood cancer is NOT rare - every day in the U.S., 47 children (0-19 years old) are diagnosed with cancer, with 1 out of every 285 children being diagnosed by age 20 in the U.S. Less than 4% of federal cancer research funding goes towards childhood cancer research (National Cancer Institute, 2021), yet these children are the ones who have their entire lives ahead of them in comparison to adults.

The journey of childhood cancer is one no family should endure. To say it is difficult would not do justice to what these children and their families experience. If anyone has ever spent time on the 7th floor at Children's Hospital Colorado at the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, no further explanation is needed. To get off that elevator and to see so many children receiving chemotherapy, radiation and other treatments is beyond heartbreaking. Every family on the 7th floor deserves to hear: "Your child will be cured because we have treatments available that work." Unfortunately, not all parents hear these words. And even worse, some families hear that there are no treatment options for survival.

All funds raised through Trek for a Dream will support childhood cancer research at Children's Hospital Colorado. Physician-scientists are actively researching new therapies to increase child survival rates and therapies that are less harmful both short and long-term.

What is the goal for Trek for a Dream?

The goal of this hike is to bring awareness to the lack of funding for childhood cancer research. 4% of federal cancer research funding is NOT enough for these children and their families. The goal is for individuals or teams to trek (walk/hike) any distance to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer, and to create their own personal pages to share and spread the word with friends, family and on social media

Amara's story

On February 20th, 2020, my 12-year-old daughter, Amara, and I flew flight-for-life in the middle of the night to Children's Hospital Colorado from Durango to Denver after we received a phone call earlier that evening that no parent ever wants to hear: "We think your daughter has leukemia. You have 5 minutes to pack your bags, a Flight-for-Life helicopter is waiting for you." Our lives changed that day forever when it was confirmed that Amara had B-cell ALL leukemia and would be in treatment for 2½ years. Amara completed treatment on July 1st, 2022.

Amara Kirk - Julie Korb 2024 TR Image

Today, Amara is a healthy, active teenager who is a competitive mogul skier and loves to travel, work out at the gym, recreate outside, cook healthy food, and spend time with her family, friends, and dog Juna. Amara is a National Honors Society and National Honors Art Society student and is taking college courses as a junior in high school. She also is the owner of an online slime store that she started after her diagnosis to stay active and raise funds to support childhood cancer research. Amara this past winter competed in December 2023 at U.S. Selections and in March 2024 at U.S. Nationals, the two highest levels of competition in the U.S., as one of the top 48 female athletes in the country. 

Amara is thriving today because of childhood cancer research. All children with a cancer diagnosis deserve to live a long, healthy, life and fulfill all of their dreams.

Dream big and choose your trail

The purpose of Trek for a Dream is to bring awareness to childhood cancer and to raise funding for childhood cancer research. Find a trail near you, plan your trek (walk/hike) of any distance, create your own personal page, and share with friends, family and on social media.

Please create your own personal page here. Thank you for helping support children fighting cancer!