Team Avi's Rapid Riders is fundraising to

ensure kids and families get world-class care

2024 Courage Classic Bicycle Tour

Avi Children's Hospital Colorado patient
Avi Children's Hospital Colorado patient

Team Avi's Rapid Riders

We formed a team of Cyclists called "Team Avi's Rapid Riders" to provide support to one of our friend's, Avi & his family and to provide great hope to Children's Hospital Colorado patients like Avi. Avi, 14 years old was diagnosed with Rhabdoid Tumor a form of cancer that was growing the tumor in his kidney in which they removed.

Today, Avi is fighting hard working through his many rounds of chemotherapy and radiation at Children's Hospital Colorado. Avi is an avid skiier and loves to run cross country & track at his school, and he is looking forward to finishing these treatments to be cancer free. Avi's family shares that they are making it through a lot of tough days with help and support from every area of the hospital and their friends.

The Courage Classic is an opportunity to support positive outcomes and healthier futures for children like Avi.

We would appricate if you can support support Avi's Team Ride and the cause with a Donation to the Children's Hospital Colorado.


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