Durango Derailers is fundraising to

ensure kids and families get world-class care

2025 Courage Classic Bicycle Tour

Durango Derailers

Bike Team Durango Derailers is riding in its 18th year for Courage Classic.  During those years, we have successfully raised a cumulative amount of nearly $1 million dollars. This money is housed in the Durango Derailers fund at CHCO (Children's Hospital Colorado).  This fund is accessed by families living in SW Colorado to help with travel expenses when they need to go to CHCO for a higher level of pediatric specialty care (outpatient or inpatient).  The fund provides gas cards and hotel assistance.  In a year, the fund has over 500 family uses, averaging 1-2 family uses a day!

Children who have recently used the funds include those needing visits at CHCO for congenital cataracts, VP shunt evaluation by neurosurgery, seizure workups, congenital heart surgery, management for cystic fibrosis, management for liver and heart transplant, spinal cord tumor treatment, cancer survivors post treatment needing annual surveillance, pediatric colonoscopies, genetics evaluation and management for children with chromosomal defects and many more acute care visits, inpatient stays and consultations.

CHCO sends their specialists to Durango for pediatric outreach clinic to save families the drive as well  These pediatric specialty outreach clinics include cardiology, neurology, rehabilitation, genetics, pulmonology, orthopedics and diabetes.  

This year to compliment our mission and expand the support for our kids in Southwest Colorado, our team intends to designate our fundraising to the Pediatric Mental Health Institute General Fund, which may be used for any purpose provided it is related to Pediatric Mental Health Institute.  

More information about our team and the Durango Derailers Patient Assistance Fund can be found at www.durangoderailers.com


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