We ride to support children like Caleb.
When Caleb was born, he quickly grew into the meaning of his name: Bold, Brave, and Wholehearted.
Shortly after birth, Caleb was transferred to the Cardiac ICU at Children's Hospital after we discovered that his aorta was too small and narrow to support blood flow from his heart. He was born with undiagnosed Congenital Heart Disease, more specifically, a coarctation of the aorta, hypoplastic aortic arch, and a unicuspid aortic valve. The amazing team at Children's Hospital Colorado Heart Institute performed an operation to open up his aorta and restore blood flow when he was just 8 days old. The entire team not only saved our son's life, but they offered us the grace, kindness, and one-on-one care that we needed as new parents in a state of shock.
Caleb continues to see our amazing cardiologist at Children's for routine echocardiograms, as we know that some day, Caleb will require another surgery.
Congenital Heart Disease is the most common birth defect in the US, affecting nearly 1% (about 40,000) births per year. Please support our team in honor of more kids like Caleb.