Hello and thanks for visiting this site!
I'm excited to once again be able to take my bike over a bunch of beautiful Colorado mountain passes this summer while your sponsorship helps kids fight cancer and blood disorders. On the first day, we'll be riding out of Copper Mountain, up and over Fremont, Tennessee, and Vail passes and back to Copper. Then on day 2, it will be a loop around Dillon Reservoir in the morning chill followed by a a nice up-and-down tour of Loveland Pass, returning up the Ten-Mile canyon to Copper for tour's end.
All of that riding is plenty of time to reflect on the experience of kids and familes who are going through battles with cancer and blood disorders that they never expected to face. Your donation to this ride is instrumental in bringing hope to their journey and maybe even being part of the cure for many of these devastating conditions. So thank you in advance for your financial help in this cause. I especially welcome those of you who have personally been impacted by childhood cancers or blood disorders. You are my true heroes!
I've heard from more than one friend in 2025 expressing a certain unique sense of darkness and cruelty they feel invading their outlook on life. I can certainly appreciate that sense. You may or may not share that sentiment. But I know that each of you who have donated to the Hospital on behalf of this bike ride in years past have demonstrated that you are the sort of people who know what love and generosity are all about. By supporting Children's Hospital, you each have chosen to follow that human urge we all seem to feel toward love and generosity. Every time we follow that urge toward goodness, kindness, and personal sacrifice for the good of the patients at Children's Colorado, I believe we experience a certain kind of redemption and renewal. By following the urge to do good, we're following the blueprint of the original creation, following the good urgings of the Author of that creation. Thank you so much for being part of this!
Maybe this year, more than ever, donating to the Children's Hospital mission will increase your peace, and fill you with a sense that by having chosen loving generosity, you've made your mark of light in this world and helped to quench just a little bit of the darkness.
I pledge to match your donation one for one, so anything you give will be doubled, at least until total donations reach $1500. I'm in conversation with the Charitable Giving arm of BAE Systems to make a case for matching from the corporation. At this time, the company has boundaries around their corporate giving that do not include children's medical needs. I'm hoping to motivate a change to that policy, but it's a work in progress.
Please consider sponsoring me, and leveraging your donation to the max for the kids at the Hospital and the research that benefits them so amazingly!
If you prefer to donate offline, I can provide you with a form. Just ask!