Why I ride
The past several years Hannah has always had a great heart health report.
Unfortunately, this past December she had to go in for a catheter procedure
to have a look around and close off any collateral veins/arteries that can
form with her circulation. Two hours into the procedure we were called back and
notified that they found a fistula (an abnormal connection between one of
the coronary arteries and another blood vessel or heart chamber.) They had
never seen this type of connection before nor its size. After much
discussion and weighing of several cardiologists opinion, they decided to
place a large plug via the catheter. This procedure had not been performed
before, but they thought it would work and hold. After a few scary days of
monitoring, Hannah recovered nicely. She was back to playing volleyball
after several weeks of no activity and finished off a fun club season.
Hannah is doing great! Going to be a senior in high school this fall.
While unfortunate, it reminded us of just how great
the staff at Children's is and how great her doctors are. Hannah has been volunteering at the hospital again this summer. Thank you for all your support and donations to the Children's Hospital of Colorado!